Born in Zambia, I spent most of the first 7 years of my life outdoors running about barefoot in the wildness of nature before moving back to England. I always felt very much part of the natural world and experience these energies strongly. I became a fully qualified schoolteacher in 1993 and greatly enjoy working with the abundant energy of teenagers and daily teachings offered by my students.
I began working with energy and healing in 1999 with Reiki, and became a Reiki Master in 2004. Discovering Shamanic work felt very right for me and helped me to crystalise my beliefs about our universe and our place in this. I began working with Northern Drum in 2007, completing a 3 year Practitioner Training with Chris Luttichau, the founder, going on to deepen my studies and training in the Medicine Lodge and sitting on the Northern Drum Council. I love doing this work and feel very blessed to have found this path.
I offer sincere thanks for the integrity of the teachings of Chris Luttichau and the lineage of teachers before him.
I am a member of the SHC - Shamanic Healers' Circle
I live a minute's walk away from two beautiful parks and conservation areas and have found many special and private spots to work in. I also have my own very private outdoor space that is held by the elements and an embracing thatched roof.